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2-17-2010 Hockanum River Commission Minutes



FEBRUARY 17, 2010

PRESENT: Anthony Hollister, James Reik, Kenneth Sek, Scott Hollister, Bruce Jokubaitis, Christine Durrer, Peter Klock, Paula Saaf


CALL OR ORDER: Meeting started at 6:05 pm.              

OPPORTUNITY FOR RESIDENTS TO SPEAK: Cynthia Reik spoke with Mrs Rhodes at EHMS about different possibilities for students to get involved at the Hockanum; discussed Project Oceanography and the possibility of getting land use maps from the Town Planner.  Paula also mentioned that there could be opportunities for anyone needed to fulfill community service requirements to help with the River cleanup.

Craig Sutton came to speak about his group and their geo-caching.  They are sponsoring a Cash-in/Trash out event at the River on April 17th.  The Commission will help supply his group with supplies.  

APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Commission reviewed minutes from December 2, 2009.  Ken made a motion to accept the minutes of December 2, 2009, seconded by Tony Hollister.  Motion carried.


River Race is scheduled for May 2nd. Scott is once again chairing meeting for this event.  He is in the process of scheduling meetings.  Commission discussed possibility of ending race at Goodwin College new campus.  Peter will speak to Guy Labella, will also check to see if there is a dock there. Paula has contact with a group that may donate bibs/jerseys for the race.


  • Bruce reported that the damage to the trail near Olde Roberts street still has not been repaired.  Major clean up and repair still needed. Will check  with Roger Moss to find out status of claim and fill products needed for tree damage.  Paula will check on who will pay for and who will repair the trail, and report back to the Commission. If materials received and weather permitting, work on that area would be attempted on the weekend.
  • Letter from Gazette Editor – Commission read and had a brief discussion regarding the letter received from Gazette editor.  Letter involved and email exchange between himself and Paula regarding a disagreement with an article that appeared in the Gazette last year that mistakenly announced that that year's River Race had been cancelled.  The Commission acknowleged that he would like it entered into official minutes.  Ken made a motion to accept the letter into minutes of the meeting, seconded by Peter.  Motion carried.

PAYMENT OF BILLS: Paula made a motion to pay the clerk, seconded by Peter.  Motion carried.

ADJOURNMENT: A motion was made by Christine to adjourn the meeting seconded by Scott.  Motion carried.  Meeting adjourned at 6:56 pm.